liminal practice

The Iranian harp Čang can rarely be experienced around here, Samira Memarzadeh plays one that was manufactured for her. Hans Unstern and Simon Bauer have been building experimental harps for over 10 years. Most recently the electro-acoustic V-Harp, consisting of eight different sounding modules, which produce all the sounds of their current album “DIVEN”. For Klangteppich, a spatial harp will be installed in the tak theater. The artists bring their instruments and voices closer together. Texts for the performance have emerged from joint writing processes. The audience is also invited to explore the spatial harp.

Klangteppich V

Magazine Launch
Thu, June 8 from 5:30 pm - Tickets
Fri, June 9 from 7:00 pm - Tickets
Box office 15 €,
reduced 12 €,
Festival ticket 25 €